Gadgets interesantes

viernes, noviembre 14 ·

Para estar al día, vamos a tratar de ir poniendo los gadgets que nos parezcan más interesantes ya que,uno de los placeres de este tipo de deportes es poder darse caprichillos como compensación a todo el sufrimiento eh?

El mundo del running permite muy pocos caprichos... a diferencia de la bici, en el running poco podemos hacer para mejorar "con ayudas externas" nuestro rendimiento. Sin embargo, el pulsómetro nos permite conocernos mejor y, a la larga, mejorar el rendimiento. Nosotros hace 2-3 años que lo usamos y estamos muy contentos. Quizá es por nuestra condición de “picateclas” profesionales con el Excel por nuestro trabajo, pero lo cierto es que nos gusta mucho poder descargar la información en el ordenador y ver gráficos, etc.

Este es nuestro mítico Polar con el que tenemos todo controlado.

Polar 725x

For cycling and multisport training

The S725X is a proven and trusted heart rate based training tool for the most demanding multisport training and elite-level competitive cycling. Tough and powerful, it provides the ultimate solution for racing and optimizes every aspect of every one of your training sessions.
Synchronizes with the Polar ProTrainer 5 software for guidance, analysis and creating individual training settings

Highly sensitive barometric altitude sensor shows your elevation profiles

Tailor the training information you want to view on the wrist unit

Pero hay que estar atento a las novedades ya que la tecnología iPod también está llegando al mundillo del running. Nos han enviado ( dos pulsómetros que tienen muy buena pinta:

Garmin ForeRunner 405

Share Wirelessly
With Forerunner 405 you can share your locations, advanced workouts and courses wirelessly with other Forerunner 405 users. Now you can send your favorite workout to your buddy to try, or compete against a friend's recorded course. Sharing data is easy. Just select “transfer” to send your information to nearby units.

Track Heart Rate
Forerunner 405 is available with or without a heart rate monitor (see the versions tab) to help you make the most out of your training. Versions with a digital heart rate monitor continuously track heart beats per minute. Train in a certain heart rate zone to improve your fitness level or compare your pace and heart rate to past performance on the same run.

Take your training inside with the versatile Forerunner 405. Pair it with an optional foot pod to track your speed, distance and running cadence indoors when a GPS signal is unavailable. This new design clips onto your laces for easy removal and automatically turns on when you start moving. You can also add a speed/cadence bike sensor to track the speed and distance of your cycling workouts.

Lock Onto Satellite Signals
Forerunner 405 sports a unique design that gives the GPS antenna a better view of the sky, so it can get a stronger signal during your run. And its high-sensitivity GPS receiver provides improved tracking under trees and near tall buildings.

Polar Ft80

A note to users of the Polar FT80: while this training watch can transfer data wirelessly to Windows PCs, it really shines when you pull it away from the computer and actually go for a run.
Polar, best known for its heat-rate monitoring watches, has stuffed quite a few training tools into a small package. The thin black watch has a white-on-black screen that displays your current and target heart rates as well as the intended goals for your workout.

It reminds you when you haven’t been working out and even makes suggestions for your weekly workouts based on weight, height and activity level. Add the optional GPS unit or pedometer and you have a training partner potentially more dedicated than you are.

The FT80 is $349 and is available now. It can download workouts from the Internet and even keep track of strength-training exercises like weight lifting. Setup is easy: a five-minute fitness test tells the watch everything it needs to know to plan your next workout.
Fortunately, it can’t kick you out of bed on a crisp fall morning when you are tempted to skip a run

2 comentarios:

14 noviembre, 2008  

tens raò amb la bici si no et regalen res et surt tant car com un fill ....

salut i bon blog.

robert mayoral dijo...
14 noviembre, 2008  

el nuevo polar es realmente guapo, al menos estéticamente me atrae mucho...yo tengo el 725 y el rs800!

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- Sant Silvestre Barcelona 2005 – 10k

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- Maratón Barcelona 2006 – 42k
- Trofeo Edwards Athletics 2006 – 10k
- Behovia-San Sebastián 2006 – 20k
- Sant Silvestre Barcelona 2006 – 10k

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- Mitja Marató de Barcelona 2007 – 21k
- Media Maratón Villa de Madrid 2007 – 21k
- Maratón Madrid 2007 – 42k
- Trofeo Edwards Athletics 2007 – 10k
- Circuito de Verano Illescas 2007 – 10k
- Circuito de Verano Moralzarzal 2007 – 12k
- Carrera del CSIC 2007 – 10k
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- Behovia-San Sebastián 2007 – 20k
- Trofeo Akiles 2007 - 10k
- Sant Silvestre Barcelona 2007 – 10k

- Trofeo Ekiden Sanse – Maratón por relevos
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- Marató de Barcelona 2008 (Liebres oficiales) - 42k
- Cursa dels Bombers 2008 - 10k
- Nike Human Race - 10k
- Carrera de Cercedilla - 21.6k
- Maratón de Berlin 2008
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- Carrera del Distrito del Retiro – 10k

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